
Prompts can be customized and built with various styled custom components. Prompts are just a set of two functions that return the left and right sides of the prompt as StyledBuf.

First define your own prompt and implement the Prompt trait: Other states can also be accessed by adding them to the parameters; see States. Prompts return a StyledBuf that should be displayed.

fn prompt_left() -> StyledBuf {
        " ",
        " "

fn prompt_right(lc: State<LineContents>) -> StyledBuf {

Then add it to ShellBuilder when building the shell:

let shell = ShellBuilder::default()
    .with_prompt(Prompt::from_sides(prompt_left, prompt_right));

Utility Functions

The prompt module comes with a variety of helpful functions for building the prompt. We can build something that looks like the bash prompt with:

fn prompt_left() -> StyledBuf {
    styled_buf!(hostname(),"@", username(),":", top_pwd(),"$")
fn prompt_right() -> StyledBuf {